No Greater Love- Part I, Maundy Thursday
Today, Pastor Paul preached the 1st part of his 4-part Sermon for the first time in 32 years Pastor Paul has been preaching. Tomorrow on Good Friday, he will continue the Sermon during worship at noon and at 7:30pm during the Service of Shadows.
Here is a little of the Sermon as shared by Pastor Paul on Facebook.
[You can view the entire Sermon here. ]
“Love exist, but no greater love exists than that of our God, our Father, to us”-Pastor Paul during Maundy Thursday
No Greater Love: 1 Sermon in 4 Parts
From Maundy Thursday sermon this noon.
John does not tell us that Judas was not loved.
God's love in Jesus is so great that Jesus washed the feet of Judas, who would betray him; even washed the feet of Peter, who would deny him; even washed the feet of the others, who, because they feared for their lives, ran away and deserted him.
That's the kind of love our God has for us. When we desert God by running away, by sinning, by doing all of those things that are not of God, GOD'S LOVE DOES NOT STOP!
Eleanor & Margaret, as representatives of the community, had their feet washed by Pastor Paul like Jesus washed his disciples’ feet before the Last Supper as a sign and example of humility and love.
God's love for us draws us back to God.
On Maundy Thursday we hear the story of Jesus washing his disciples feet - washing all the dirt off. Jesus, their rabbi; Jesus, the One that John refers to as God himself, washes their feet - shows his love for them by bowing down as a servant to give his love by washing their feet clean.
He also transforms the Passover meal into something new - a New Covenant: this is my body, this is my blood.
No Greater Love has one than this, that they lay down their lives for their friends.
How amazing is God's love that not only does Jesus wash the feet of Judas and Peter and all of the disciples; not only does he give the new covenant of his body and his blood - but he is willing to die for them - for us - for you! Willing to give up his life to show you how much God loves you and will NEVER let you go!
Love exists, but no greater love exists than that of God our Father to us.
Follow the 3rd part tomorrow Good Friday, April 2nd at Noon during our in-person and live stream.