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But Jesus called them to him saying, ‘Let the children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of God. Truly I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child shall not enter it.’
— Matthew 19:14

children’s Ministries

Children are a vital part of our life here at Trinity!


Children have a place of welcome and honor among us at Trinity. Our ministries with children include: 

  • Baptism is conducted during the Sunday morning worship service.

    • Parents and godparents promise to raise their child in the faith and the Trinity.

    • Family members promise to assist them in that vow. In order to schedule your child’s baptism.

    Contact the church office at 718/278-0036 or email our office administrator, Scott Munson, at

  • Connect the TOTS is a partnership with our sister congregation, Connections Church NYC, in which we hold a gathering of toddlers and parents/guardians each Wednesday from 10 a.m. – 12 noon in our church basement.

    • Activities include playtime, storytime, snacks and conversation among the parents.

    • No registration is required – just show up.

    Enter by 37th Street side

  • Sunday School is offered for children ages 4 to 12 years old (confirmation age) and is taught each week by two adults.

  • At present, Sunday School is at 9 a.m. each week via Zoom. Speak with Pastor Paul for details.

    • Sunday School runs from fall through the end of May/early June.

    • Lessons are from the Old Testament but also include a message about God’s work through Jesus.

    • Storytime, crafts, music, videos and games help to reinforce each particular Sunday story.

    • Children begin in worship with their parents, head down for class after the Children’s Sermon, and return to their parents in worship in time for Holy Communion.

  • Sunday School Choir is held once a month.

    • In place of the Children’s Sermon, the kids present a song they have learned in their class.

  • Children’s Sermon:

    • Each week Pastor Paul (or another adult) spends time in worship talking with the kids and also sharing a story (most often related to that week’s Sunday School lesson) about God’s love for them. These can be lively times in our worship!

  • Children’s Handbell choir:

    • Some elementary age children are members of this group that provides a beautiful musical selection during worship once a month.

    • Rehearsals are on Sundays @ 12:15 p.m. in the Balcony.

    Speak with handbell director Richard Walker for more information

  • First Communion class:

    • Each child is given a wafer from Pastor Paul during communion each week and told, “This is the Bread of Life for you, to know that you are loved by God forever.”

    • When the parents feel the child is ready, they can enter into instruction about Holy Communion – usually first or second grade, they are registered for a two week class with Pastor Paul and other instructors.

    • The book “A Place for You” is used along with other techniques to help the child grasp what is happening in Holy Communion. A parent/guardian is required to attend the class as well.

    • After the instruction, on a particular Sunday, First Holy Communion is celebrated.

    Speak to Pastor Paul for more details.

  • Vacation Bible School:

    • Each summer Connections Church NYC holds a week-long program for elementary age children. It usually occurs in the early evening.

    Go to for more details.

  • Confirmation:

    • When a child reaches Middle School years, if they desire, they can join this two-year program of deeper instruction in the Christian faith.

    • Taught by Pastor Paul and Deacon Rob Sinanan, it presently meets every 3rd Thursday evening from 7-8:30 p.m.

    • Classes are based on study of the bible, both Old and New Testaments, The Small Catechism of Martin Luther, and personal experiences in life.

  • Boy Scouts of America:

    • Trinity is home to Troop 70 of the Boy Scouts, which meets on Thursday evenings from 6-9 p.m. in the church basement.

    Email Scoutmaster Joel Acosta for information:

  • Youth Ministry:

    • As our children grow into youth and young adults, more activities will be offered including regular youth group.

    • We are planning to participate in the ELCA’s National Youth Gathering in Minnesota in the summer of 2021. 

  • Outings:

    • During the year, various outings are offered for our children and youth.

    • Trips include Chuck E. Cheese, parks, picnics, etc.


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