who we are…

At Trinity Lutheran, our life is centered in the good news of God’s never-ending love given to us in the life, teachings, death and resurrection of JESUS CHRIST.

Trinity Lutheran is more than an historic church. Trinity is a safe space. Here you can laugh, cry, sing, eat, pray, serve the greater community, and engage in intimate conversations with us about life and faith.

We are a congregation of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) and the Metropolitan New York Synod (MNYS).

Trinity Lutheran is now a…

  • Reconciling Works Church

  • Sower Congregation with Lutheran Ministries in Higher Education

  • Partner Congregation with Martin Luther School of Maspeth

  • An AMMPARO congregation of the Metro NY Synod

  • Supporting immigrant children in detention

You are welcome here…

We, at Trinity Lutheran Church of Long Island City and Astoria, are a diverse community of sinners — saved only through God's grace and sacrifice — who believe strongly in God’s commandment: “Just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another.”

All Are Welcome — no matter race, ethnicity, language, national origin, age, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, political affiliation, emotional, mental or physical challenges, developmental or learning differences, personal history, economic status, or how much, or how little, you know about Jesus or the Bible. We welcome you and pledge to help you along the path in your journey with God.

how we worship…

  • Sunday School each week at 9:30am.

  • We offer a Sunday in-person worship at 10:30am.

  • We also worship on Zoom starting at 12:15pm on Sundays.

  • Handbell Choir rehearsals each Sunday in the balcony.

  • Prayer Call In continues on Monday evenings.

  • Every Tuesday evening we gather for Pastor’s Bible Study at 7:00 P.M. via Zoom.


There are many ways to commune with God, and with each other, through fellowship at Trinity Lutheran Church.

  • WTG: Women Together in Grace

  • Women of The Bible

  •  The Asian Affinity Group

  •  Trinity Creative Collaborative 

  • Men’s group

  • Choir

  • Handbell Choir (adult and children)


  • Pastoral Care

  • Prayer Care

  • Pantry

  • Children’s Ministry

  • Making Peace with Your Past

  • Shepherding Ministry

  • Community Outreach that has included food drives, voting literacy, lineage research